Why Advertise On The Advanced Listing Service?
We provide Real Estate professionals with a unique platform to promote your listings and your business.
By offering free real estate listings to both Agents and home owners (FSBO), we are building a nationwide
listing that isn't available anywhere else. And people are taking notice. AdvancedListingService.com currently serves over
100,000 page views to targeted visitors each month, and this number is growing rapidly. Our average visitor
views over ten pages while searching our real estate listings. You can place
yourself in front of these visitors and attract new buyer leads quickly and affordably.
Let The Advanced Listing Service Do The Marketing For You.
AdvancedListingService.com attracts real estate buyers from across the nation through a multi-faceted marketing effort and a website
architecture that is very search engine friendly. Real estate buyers and investors are targeted by a wide variety of
medium, including:
+ Search Engine Optimization
+ PPC Advertising Campaigns (Google, Yahoo, MSN)
+ Marketing & Real Estate Professional Affiliations
+ Regional Direct-Mail and Print Publications
Advertising Options
The Advanced Listing Service offers several different advertising options, located throughout the website. Ad types
fall into three different categories; Banner Ads, Agent Spotlight Packages and Featured Listings.
Details of each is described below:
Banner Ads
A banner ad is a 400 x 60 pixel image that appears on the upper right corner of the Advanced Listing Service
website. Banners can appear on the Home Page, State, Region and City pages. They provide maximum exposure to
visitors and redirect visitors directly to your website, when clicked. Pricing is done by area of the site:
+ Home Page Banner - $895 Annually
+ State Page Banner - $595 Annually (Ex. Florida Page)
+ Region Page Banner - $595 Annually (Ex. South Florida Page)
+ City Page Banner - $435 Annually (Ex. Miami Page)
+ ALL Four Pages - $1,995< Annually
Cost: See Above
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Agent Spotlight Package
The Agent Spotlight Package provides great exposure for real estate agents at very affordable
rates. The Spotlight Package includes the following benefits:
+ Region Page Spotlight Included in the Spotlight rotation on the Region page.
+ City Page Spotlight Included in the Spotlight rotation on the City page.
+ Featured Real Estate Agent can select a real estate listing to feature.
+ Agent Directory Spotlight Included in the rotation on the Real Estate Agent page.
+ Enhanced Contact Information Agent profile includes direct link and Quick Contact form.
$295 Annually
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Premium Listing
We work with many different types of real estate professionals and offer business directories for each.
The different directories include: Real Estate Agencies, Mortgage Lenders, Settlement Firms, Real Estate Attorneys, Home Inspectors,
Pest Inspectors, and Builders. A Premium Listing in one of these directories includes the following benefits:
+ Directory Spotlight Included in the Spotlight rotation on the Directory page.
+ Enhanced Contact Information Direct link to your website and Quick Contact form.
$149 Annually
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